Sunday School & Discovery Club
Sunday School (during the school year)
Sunday School is offered at 9 am on Sunday mornings for children 3 years old through 5th grade (September-May). In Sunday School the kids go on a chronological journey through the entire Bible where they see God’s power, God’s people, and God’s promises centered in Jesus Christ. Children in preschool will begin and end their time in Room 10. Kindergarten through 5th graders begin in the Rec. Zone for large group time and end in their age-appropriate small group rooms where the Bible story is reinforced through questions, crafts, or other activities.
Discovery Club
Discovery Club is our Wednesday night program for children 3 years old through 5th grade. It runs during the school year (September-May) and goes from 5:45-7:00 pm. Like Sunday School, Discovery Club is bible story based and interactive, designed to help children know, love, and follow Jesus. All children meet in the RecZone for opening. Preschoolers leave for Room 10 at 6:00 and K-5 children stay in the RecZone for large group time. All children end the evening in age-appropriate small group rooms where the Bible story is reinforced through questions, crafts, or other activities.