Experience in a fresh way the love and truth of God as received through Jesus in His Word.

No matter where you are in your faith walk, our desire is to help you grow closer to God and be who God created you to be. Our Discover, Grow, Go strategy is a tool to help you visualize an ongoing process and the ‘next step’ to fully live as a follower of Jesus.

Why Discover?
Because each of us, living in an often difficult and discouraging world, needs to discover and rediscover the amazing love of God that is ours in Jesus. We hope to see you at our next Discover event.

Journey Markers

  • An ongoing experience of God’s love as his redeemed and restored child

  • Establish habits of regular Bible reading, reflection, and prayer

  • Understand and embrace the teaching of the Bible from the Lutheran perspective especially…

    • The Trinity (God as a relational being 3 in 1, divine attributes

    • God’s saving work through Jesus

    • Word and Sacraments

    • Ongoing, transforming work of the Holy Spirit

Next Steps