December, 2022 - Deacon Meeting Minutes
December 15, 2022
Present: John Reagan, John Genskow, Kathy Sahlhoff, Chuck Falch, James Martin, Bruce Winkler, Paul Weinke, Kristi Lambert, Vince Maro, Anne Hartman
Absent: James Martin, Gail Graese
Ex Officio: Mark Schulz, David Forke, Marlee Forke
Guests: Dean Gumz (secretary)
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by John Reagan
1) Opening Devotion/ Prayer: Vince Maro
2) Staff Presentation – Marlee
Marlee provided an update on Sunday School and Discovery Club. Numbers are up slightly over last year but it seems that enthusiasm is a lot higher than in past years. Marlee has been selective about what gets done as she’s doing her part-time role and Kathy Ryan’s full-time role. They had hoped to meet with a prospective Children’s Ministry leader (Emily) this week but that will be postponed until January due to weather issues.
Marlee left the meeting.
3) Review Action Items
Missions- Anne has a meeting set up with Mark/David for January to discuss the proposed missions’ position. Topics to include an overview of missions Peace wants to support going forward; what are our volunteer needs; the scope of the team, and team members.
4) Consent Agenda
November Minutes
Pastoral Report
Motion to approve the November minutes and Pastoral report by Paul. Seconded by Bruce.
Motion Approved
5) Training: Peace Mission and Vision Guidebook – Mark
Mark reviewed Peace’s Mission and Vision guidebook for the next five years (4 yrs left). The four main points of this strategy are Mission, Vision, Strategy, and Life Marks. Mark briefly identified each of the four major points. There was a discussion about how to increase awareness of this program among the general congregation. There have been some sermon series on parts of this.
6) Follow-up Items
A) Greeters and Video- There continues to be a need for more volunteers, especially greeters and hospitality team members. There was a discussion about using Sign-Up Genius. The app only allows people to sign up a few weeks in advance. Can the signup period be farther out?
B) Personnel Update – Kathy
1) The team is dividing to conquer as there are a lot of items on their agenda. There is an HR person working with Terry to discuss employment guidelines. Kathy is working on the Personnel Manual
2) Children’s Ministry – Planning to meet with the candidate in January
3) Worship Director- Mark believes this ought to be a part-time position by itself. Previously there were additional roles that made this into a full-time position. If additional roles can be added, this may develop into a full-time position.
7) New Items
A) SharePoint Update- John G
John G and James M met to look at SharePoint access and stored files. All Peace Deacons should have a Peace email but many people don’t know this. The suggestion was to use SharePoint and the Peace email for official business. James M and John G are going to work to clean up the process for access and have digital storage.
B) What does it mean to be a Peace Member? – Tabled until January.
C) Process for non-called workers (Policy E1-D) in the Peace Policy Manual
1) The position is approved in the budget
2) A committee is put together to gather candidate names and go through prospective people
3) Engage with other stakeholders who will need to work directly with the potential hire
4) Leadership team meets with the candidate and makes a hiring decision.
8) Closing Prayer – Pastor Mark
Motion to adjourn by Paul. Seconded by Kathy. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm