March 13, 2023 | Call Committee Minutes


☒ Anne Hartman ☒ Cam Kalmon ☐ Kamber Southworth ☒ Mark Schulz

☒ Anni Bjerke ☒ Jen Priem ☒ Kristi Lambert

☒ Jan Steiner ☐ John Genskow ☒ Mark Oldenberg

1. Opening Prayer

2. Minutes

a. Corrections to prior minutes:

i. Having high schoolers involved in helping lead children’s ministry not leading children’s ministries themselves– a good way to get younger families to want to join Peace. A good way for them to get familiar with our Pastors.

ii. Allie, Abbi – correct the spelling of names.

3. Survey – Elementary and Middle School Parents

a. 38 responded to this survey.

i. Age preference

1. 36.8% age doesn’t matter

2. 36.8% young

3. 26.3% middle age

ii. Entire congregation

1. 38.1% age doesn’t matter

2. 35.6% young

3. 26.3% middle age

iii. We are on target to get someone to 35-45 age range based on both surveys

iv. Would like to see a pastor with a family

b. Prioritize attributes

i. Recent survey

1. Compelling preacher

2. Demonstrates youth and ministries

3. Has ministry style that draws families with children

ii. Entire congregation

1. Compelling preacher

2. Has ministry style that draws families with children

3. Demonstrates support for youth and ministries

iii. Anne read that they are looking for a pastor that is connecting to children from birth and forward

4. Congregational Communication (Townhall)

a. Schedule a date

i. April 23rd @ 11:30 – for 1 hour

ii. Steps for promoting

1. Pastors will announce during announcements

2. Pastor Mark will let Kristin know to get the word out and have it posted along with letting people know the link to see the minutes and survey results.

b. Agenda:

i. Introduce committee

ii. Overview of the process

iii. Survey results

1. Answer questions that came up in the survey

iv. Give a rough timeline on when we might make a call

v. Share the ideal profile from the feedback we have received so far

vi. Open it up to questions

c. Committee to look at the survey to bring to the next meeting. The entire committee is to bring forward 4 or 5 themes from the comments received. Mark to send out agenda with his thoughts on his themes perspective and committee to add onto those thoughts.

5. Job Description

a. Pastor Mark asked if the group received the January revision. Committee did not and he will send it out to the group.

i. Pastor Mark would like to add some details of what we are looking for.

b. The personnel committee is reviewing the Jan revision document today and Pastor Mark will send it out for the committee to review for the April meeting.

6. Call Materials

a. Congregational Self-study

i. Sue sent out a copy on the 13th to the committee

ii. Committee needs to fill out the pastoral expectations

1. Pastor Mark would like the committee to each rank the items and email them back Sue Gumz to have it sent to him by March 19th

iii. Three questions

1. What do you believe are the most important qualities for a pastor to have?

a. Is a compelling preacher

b. Has a ministry style that draws families with young children

c. Demonstrates support for vibrant child and youth ministries

d. Encourages and embraces diverse worship styles

e. Is a visionary leader who can move the church toward bold goals

f. Possesses experience as a supervisor, managing budgets and people successfully

g. Envision and implements innovative approaches to conducting ministry. Remaining relevant to the changing times.

2. What things do you think are most necessary for maintaining good relations between pastor and people?

a. Having humility and being approachable.

b. Being present at the beginning and end of services.

c. Learning people’s names.

d. Empathy – takes a personal interest.

e. Relational, outgoing, sincere.

f. People skills and being genuine.

g. Being open and willing to take advice from current pastors

3. Do you believe that the congregation is sensitive to the pastor’s needs for “private time”? (For prayer, study, family, recreation)

a. For the most part Pastor Mark feels they can carve out time for sabbath and be able to have life balance.

b. Congregational Checklist

i. Mark included with the email with the agenda.

7. Meeting Schedule

a. April 16th @ 11:30

b. May 7th @ 11:30

8. Other business

a. Pastor Mark feels like he has had more conversations at service than he has in a long time because he had the time since he was not the preaching pastor for that weekend.

b. Stephen Ministry isn’t mentioned in any of our call committee materials and Jan asked if we should add this so whoever the committee calls know this is a big part of Peace.

9. Adjourn


February 16, 2023 | Deacon Meeting Minutes


February 19, 2023 | Call Committee Minutes