Week of May 14, 2023


There is something about a touch that can make all the difference.  While the Holy Spirit may not physically touch us, He certainly comes into us and makes Himself felt in many ways.  To be touched by the Holy Spirit is to be comforted and encouraged in the turmoil and difficulties of life.  It is to be known deeply and to feel that someone is there for you and on your side.  It is to be strengthened by the power of God himself touching and working in and through you. 


Monday - John 14:16-31

What overall impression do you get of the Holy Spirit from this text?  How does the Spirit touch the followers of Jesus?  How does love for Jesus bring about obedience and what is the implication of that when we are seeking to help children and others obey?  Make a list of all the ways the Holy Spirit works in this passage and take some time to give praise to God for this. 


Tuesday - John 16:5-15

The Holy Spirit is a revealer of truth.  What truth will the Spirit be revealing?  What truth do you need to hear from the Holy Spirit today? What does this have to say to this philosophy in our culture:  “you have your truth and I have my truth”. 


Wednesday - Romans 8:18-27

How has God’s creation been affected by the curse of sin?  How does the Holy Spirit give us a foretaste of the future glory of being with God?  What freedom and release from pain will we and all creation experience in the future glory?  Reflect on v. 26-27 about the Holy Spirit praying for us.  How have you experienced this work of the Holy Spirit?


Thursday - 2 Corinthians 1:3-7

God is the source of all comfort.  How have you experienced His comfort? How does this special touch of God’s love make you feel?  Reflect on ways that you have been able to comfort others. 


 Friday - Isaiah 66:10-14 & Isaiah 41:8-13

Jerusalem is pictured as a source of nourishment and protection.  Note all the words and phrases that Isaiah uses to help us understand.  How is this a picture of God’s love for His people?  The Is. 41 passage is a picture of God’s Fatherly love for His firstborn Son, Israel.  How does Isaiah picture God at work in the life of Israel?  How does this encourage you in your own life?


Week of May 21, 2023


Week of May 7, 2023