Week of February 11, 2024
Journey Review
We hope that these past six weeks have imprinted in your mind and spirit the core themes of following Jesus as emphasized in Paul’s letter to the Philippians. In this seventh week, we are going to review the six themes and include Scripture from other books of the Bible which reinforce and develop them. There will be fewer reflection questions but rather one or two that focus on your takeaways from your own journey with Jesus.
February 12 | Journey of Transformation | Philippians 3:12-14; 1 Corinthians 9:24-25; Romans 12:1-2
We are on the move with Jesus, pressing into the life that is ours because Jesus has taken hold of us. It is a life of ongoing change as the Holy Spirit empowers us to overcome sin, develop Christ-like character, and produce much fruit of service and witness.
Where would you like to go with Jesus this next season?
Knowledge of the Bible and Christian teaching
Assurance of God’s love and forgiveness
Supportive relationships with other Christians, especially with …
A clearer sense of calling and personal mission
Freedom from particular sin bondage
Character change especially regarding …
Produce more of _____________ fruit
Pick one or more areas. Allow the Scriptures and questions the rest of the week to give further direction to your journey. Have a conversation with a Christian leader or friend to help you develop your own journey plan toward that destination.
February 13 | Journey of Grace | Philippians 3:7-11; Romans 3:21-26; Ephesians 2:1-10
Philippians does not offer the same depth teaching on God’s gift of grace through Jesus that you’ll find in letters like Galatians or Romans. But for Paul, it was always God’s liberating love that is the foundation and power for the life of discipleship.
What spiritual practices, experiences, and relationships does God especially use to communicate His faithful love to you? Be sure to include at least one of these (what author Gary Thomas calls Sacred Pathways) into your journey plan.
February 14 | Journey of Community | Philippians 3:1-8; Romans 12:9-13; Ephesians 4:1-6, 11-16
The New Testament is full of “one another” statements reflecting God’s plan that we follow Jesus in close community (koinania) with other believers.
What is your experience of relationships with other Christians? What are the benefits? What are the challenges?
Name five people (if you can) with whom you share significant mutual love and encouragement. How will you sustain and develop those relationships in the coming months? Add this to your journey plan.
February 15 | Journey of Imitation | Philippians 2:3-8, 3:17; 1 Corinthians 10:32-11:1
From the disciples who sought to learn the way of Rabbi Jesus to the first Christians who were challenged to imitate the Apostle Paul, followers of Jesus from the beginning have sought to imitate their Savior and godly leaders.
What qualities of Jesus do you desire to imitate? What qualities of your faith heroes do you desire to imitate? Incorporate these into the spiritual plan you started on Monday.
February 16 | Journey of Missional Partnership | Philippians 1:5-8, 4:10-19; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
The New Testament witness is that God’s people within local churches and across the global church are in partnership with each other to bring the saving Gospel of Jesus to the world.
How do you participate in the missional partnership in your own church? In your church body and/or parachurch organizations? What would be one step in increasing your contribution in terms of teaching, witness, service, relationships, and finances? Include that step in your journey plan.
February 17 | (Bonus Day) | Journey of Joy | Philippians 2:25-3:1, 4:4-8; John 15:10-11
Remarkably, despite Philippians being a “prison letter,” it exudes Paul’s joy in Jesus and joy in his partnership with God’s people.
How would you currently rank “joy” in your life? Along the lines of receiving grace from Tuesday’s reflection, what spiritual practices, experiences, and relationships does God especially use to bring joy into your life? Be sure to add one “joy” element to your journey plan.
What is your most important takeaway from the letter to the Philippians concerning your life as Jesus’ disciple?