Week of March 10, 2024

The Ordeal Begins

This week, we begin to walk towards the Cross of Crucifixion with Jesus. In this season of Lent, take time to reflect on Jesus' sacrifice for us - not out of obligation, but out of great love.

Monday | Luke 22:39-46 & Matthew 26:36-46

Reading through the Luke and Matthew accounts of Jesus praying in Gethsemane, what are the differences between the two accounts? Why would Luke and Matthew highlight different parts of this time with Jesus in the garden? 

Tuesday | Luke 22:47-53 & Matthew 26:52-56

Why is it important that Jesus did not want the disciples fighting the arresting soldiers? What does this tell us about Jesus in the time before his death? Note Matthew 26:53. 

Wednesday I Peter 4:12-19

How does this passage help us understand the suffering of Jesus on the Cross? How do we reconcile earthly suffering? Is suffering what God wants for us?

Thursday | 2 Timothy 2:8-13

What can we hold to in times of suffering? Knowing Jesus is with us and suffered for us on the cross, does this make suffering more bearable? How does this change our earthly suffering?

Friday | Luke 22:54-65

Why did Peter deny knowing Jesus three times? What do you think Peter was thinking about at this time? How do we, even unintentionally, deny Christ in our lives? How do we recognize His forgiveness in this too?


Week of March 17, 2024


Week of March 3, 2024