Week of July 30, 2023

The Cost of Discipleship

 In this Scripture, Jesus lays out the “demands” of discipleship.  He calls for commitment to himself that far exceeds devotion to family or to self (Luke 14:26–27).  He then urges us to “count the cost,” which involves both understanding what it means to follow him and why it’s worth it!

Monday, July 31 | Luke 14:25-35

Jesus does not want His disciples to have false expectations so He frequently stresses the need to count the cost. This passage has always disturbed me – what does Jesus mean when He says to “hate parents”? In Hebrew – the word “hate” can mean “love less” or “put in second place”. So reread that part of the text with the different meanings and it makes a lot more sense. What tends to take first place in your life? What does it look like for you to intentionally “love less” this thing or person in your life and love and serve Jesus first?

Tuesday, August 1 | Matthew 16:24-28

What does it mean when Jesus says, “Take up your cross and follow me.”? It seems to imply that this could be really hard. What hard things have you had to do in your journey with Christ? Yet there are also great blessings in following Jesus. How have you been blessed?

 Wednesday, August 2 | Isaiah 61:1-3

Jesus quotes these verses in Luke 4:18-19 and tells the folks in Nazareth that He is the fulfillment of these words in Isaiah. According to these verses, what was Messiah (Jesus) going to do? When we follow Jesus – we are called to do what He does. How have you been living out these verses as a disciple of Jesus?

Thursday, August 3 | John 13:1-17

This is one of my favorite passages of Scripture. Jesus shows us how to be a servant in His Kingdom.  How have you followed in Jesus’ steps and taken up the servant role? What do you think He’s asking you to do as His disciple in this next season of life? Spend some time listening to God’s voice as you reflect on this passage.

Friday, August 4 | John 15:1-17

Following Christ can only happen as we “abide” in Him – spending time with Him, soaking in His love and compassion.  Reflect on the words in John 15 – what does God say to you about your walk with Him? How does He give you peace? How does He challenge you? Spend some time in prayer seeking His heart’s desire for you in this next season of life.


Week of August 6, 2023


Week of July 23, 2023