Week of November 17, 2024
The Aaronic Blessing, or the Benediction, is one of the most ancient portions of the liturgy. God’s blessing is a central part of the Story of the Scripture, concluding every worship service. Since it is at the end of the service, it is the beginning of our departure back to our everyday lives. Why is the blessing of God so important for our lives as Christians? How does the Benediction reorient us to the situations and relationships to which we return from our worship?
Monday | Genesis 1:26-2:3
The first thing God does after creating humans is bless them. God also gives the first commands as part of that blessing. “Be fruitful.” “Multiply.” “Fill the earth.” “Keep it.” How are we still living in that first blessing today? What are you doing to be fruitful and care for God’s creation? How do you see this connecting with the Great Commission of Jesus in Matthew 28?
Tuesday | Genesis 9:1-7
After the flood of destruction and devastation, God re-establishes Noah and his family with a word of blessing. When have you gone through a hard season personally or in your family? And how has the blessing of God re-oriented you in the face of pain and brokenness? Why is God’s blessing especially necessary to get us back on our feet after a big fall?
Wednesday | Genesis 12:1-7
God called Abram to the journey of a lifetime- to leave his father’s house and become a blessed nation. Fear, overwhelm, and anxiety can creep into our souls when we face the unknown. What benefit does God’s blessing bestow when we face new situations? Why could Abram be confident to leave his father’s house after all those years? Where is God calling you to something new, and do you sense God’s blessing in that new thing?
Thursday | Genesis 22:10-18
The blessing of God is to be found in the sacrifice. “We have left everything to follow you,” Peter said to Jesus. And in Gen. 22, Abraham was willing to give over his only son to God. What has God called you to sacrifice for the sake of his goodwill? Have you done it? Why or why not? If God raised Jesus from the dead, what are you so worried about losing, since you know that this same resurrection has been promised to you?
Friday | Genesis 32:22-32
Jacob fears for his life when he has to meet his brother once again. He took an evening to pray, but the evening turned into an all-night, all-out brawl with God. At the end of that brawl, Jacob demanded to be blessed. Have you ever demanded that God bless you? What might happen if you refused to leave until God spoke his blessing over you? What things keep us from persevering for the sake of God’s blessing over our lives?