Week of November 3, 2024
This week’s powerful passage follows a great song of praise for Christ, who served us humbly by giving his life to save us from our sins. Now, Paul calls us to respond to Jesus by living out our faith for all the world to see, shining as lights in a dark and twisted world.
Monday | Philippians 2:9-18
How have you been putting your salvation to work lately? What difference does it make in the way you live each day? What would it mean for you to “work out your salvation” more fully in the days and weeks to come? How does grumbling, complaining, or being argumentative hinder our ability to shine the light of grace and truth to others? In what ways might you be guilty? What would it look like for you to shine like a light for Jesus this week?
Tuesday | Isaiah 59:1-17
Isaiah paints a dark and crooked image of the people of his day. What similarities do you see in what he writes to our culture today? Where does Isaiah tell us we can see hope even in a messed-up world? In what ways have you seen God redeeming people and situations with His light?
Wednesday | Matthew 5:2-16
Jesus is the light of the world, yet he tells His followers that we, too, are the light of the world. In what ways can you see yourself as a person who can shine light in the darkness for others? What makes it difficult for you to shine with the light of Christ? What are the barriers? How can focusing on the light of Jesus in your life improve your ability to shine for Him? Who do you know that needs you to shine your light?
Thursday | Isaiah 58:6-12
Make a list of the practical ways Isaiah says that we can shine our light. Why are these things so important to God? Isaiah suggests that when we shine the light of goodness on others, our lives will be brightened as well. How have you seen this to be true? Do you think that the Christian church in America is known as a light in the darkness? Why or why not? How can we do better?
Friday | I Peter 2:9-12
How does it feel to know that you have been chosen by God to let others know how His light has made a difference for you? How would you describe the difference of living in His marvelous light? Like Matthew, Peter tells us that living out our salvation will cause people to take notice. How can your life bring glory to God this week and call attention to His goodness?