November 16, 2022 | Call Committee Minutes


☒ Anne Hartman ☒ Cam Kalmon ☒ Kamber Southworth ☒ Mark Schulz

☒ Anni Bjerke ☒ Jen Priem ☐ Kristi Lambert

☒ Jan Steiner ☐ John Genskow ☒ Mark Oldenberg

1. Opening Prayer

2. Minutes

a. Correction to minutes: update spelling for Jerry Geske

3. Follow-up with meeting from Dwayne

a. Group encouraged that Dwayne thought he could find candidates.

i. A local church has been looking for a pastor for about a year.

b. We are looking for a pastor that will do the 3 different styles of service.

i. Classic

ii. Blended

iii. Modern

4. Congregational Survey

a. Sub Committee will include Anni, Jan, Anne, and Cam.

b. Mt Olive – Cam feels this link and survey are more relevant.

i. Committee feels like this survey has more probing questions.

c. Progress Update

i. Question 9 (Choose 3)

1. We could combine some of these options to be one.

ii. Too many open-ended questions

1. Compiling these will be difficult

2. We can get these opinions via townhalls

iii. Key things we want to know

1. Pastoral attributes should we be seeking

2. Worship style

3. Why do you choose Peace

4. Pastoral age

a. Years of experience

5. Preaching style

6. Leadership style

7. Candidate’s recommendations

a. Rostered LCMS pastor

d. Distribution

i. Survey monkey

1. Ask Sue to help

e. Results deadline

i. Ann to send out an email to Anni, Jan, and Cam to schedule a meeting the week after Thanksgiving.

ii. A draft of the survey will be done for the December meeting.

iii. Send the survey out in January.

iv. Do townhall

1. Need to schedule.

v. Give a 2-week deadline to complete

1. Will have the results for the early Feb meeting.

5. Staff Survey

a. Anni, Anne, Jan, and Cam will discuss the staff survey questions at the same meeting they are discussing the congregational survey and have a draft of this also.

b. Do we want to do a survey or sit down at the Monday staff meeting to get feedback?

i. Anne volunteered to go to the December 12th staff meeting to discuss.

ii. Mark will also be attending this meeting.

6. Job Description

a. What is the candidate’s end game?

b. To do for the next meeting Dec 18th

i. Committee to come to this meeting for any suggestions or changes they would like to make.

c. Has a social media presence

i. Ways to reach people and embrace people through these avenues.

7. Call Materials

a. Congregational Self Study

i. Who fills this out and when?

1. Pastor Mark to look at the Self Study to see if we could assign some sections to some of the staff members.

a. Pastor Mark said they could have some of the information completed by the January meeting.

b. Pastor Mark and Pastor David will need to be involved in the completion of this.

2. Ann/Cam/Anni/Jan to look at this to see what can be included in the congregational survey.

b. Congregational Checklist (this is used across the church body)

i. Who fills this out and when?

1. Fill it out after we receive the congregation survey?

ii. This will look different than the checklist emailed.

iii. How would we fill this out for a church like Peace.

1. Add to the list - things we are looking for that applies to Peace.

8. Questions

a. Potential candidate names received from congregation members so far:

i. Benjamin Braun

ii. Ian Thormodson

iii. Jacob Wampfler

9. Next Meeting

a. Frequency of Meetings

i. December 18th @ Noon

ii. Mark to send out an email asking about availability for the January meeting to get some dates and get it scheduled.

10. Adjourn


December 18, 2022 | Call Committee Minutes


January, 2023 - Deacon Meeting Minutes