December 18, 2022 | Call Committee Minutes


☒ Anne Hartman ☒ Cam Kalmon ☒ Kamber Southworth ☒ Mark Schulz

☒ Anni Bjerke ☒ Jen Priem ☒ Kristi Lambert

☒ Jan Steiner ☒ John Genskow ☒ Mark Oldenberg

1. Opening Prayer

2. Minutes

a. Questions - Jan asked for more information on Benjamin Braun and Jacob Wampfler – the candidates that were referred to the committee.

3. Who are we calling

a. Lead Pastor or Associate Pastor

i. Deacons would like to hire an associate pastor. If the committee still would like to go with the Lead Pastor committee would need to take that back to the Deacon board.

1. Committee agrees to move forward with looking for an Associate Pastor.

ii. Peace’s vision plan states that in 2026-2027 the church would look for a lead pastor.

iii. Pastor Mark feels bringing someone in as an associate pastor would give them time to see if the vision of Peace aligns with their vision in their ministry as Peace’s culture is different than the center of the Missouri Synod.

1. Committee agreed and would also like to ensure that the incoming associate pastor supports women in leadership roles within the church.

2. The committee needs to be cohesive and on the same page with the culture and interview communication. Do not want to give differing impressions.

b. Timing of Pastor Forke

i. Mark talked with Pastor Forke and he will be working for another 6 or 7 years before retiring. Starting in 2023 he would entertain taking outside calls.

c. There could potentially be more committees needed in the next 5 years to fill positions for a lead pastor and Pastor Forke’s position.

4. Follow-up from the staff meeting

a. Staff appreciative that they were asked for their input.

b. Attributes of a leader

i. Someone who can lead a larger team.

5. Congregation Survey

a. Progress Update

i. Draft complete

1. Cam emailed a copy to the committee

2. If anyone from the committee would like to make any additional changes they can reach out to Cam.

ii. It is mainly seeking the attributes of the congregation.

1. Currently there are 12 attributes for congregation members to rank.

a. Question came up of does the committee want to ask them to list their top 5 or rank all 12 in order.

2. We can get an idea of what matters to the age groups and get a wide perspective.

3. There is a question asking the age range and the committee thought it was important to have the age range of 15-18.

iii. Committee asked that the below additions be added:

1. Statement prior to the ranking process – We realize that these attributes are something we would want in a lead pastor but realizing that is not possible please rank these attributes in the order of importance for you.

2. Supports women in the church leadership positions?

3. Are you a member or are you an attender?

4. Open-ended question on if there is anything else you would like the committee to consider for the candidate?

b. Distribution

i. Survey will go to all members and attenders.

1. Sue has a list of families that they want to receive information by mail.

a. Committee will need to know how many people are in the family to ensure all family members receive the survey.

b. Search committee will stuff surveys that are to be mailed at the January meeting.

ii. Timeline of distribution

1. Pastor Mark and Pastor David will make an announcement during all services to say if there is anyone that is currently not getting communication from Peach and would like to participate in the survey to provide their address or email so a survey can be sent to them. They will start this communication with the Christmas Eve services.

a. Pastor Mark to work with church staff on how we should receive this contact information.

i. Text? QR?

2. Jan 12th - online survey link available on Pulse, Facebook, and the Website.

a. Pastor Mark stated Kristin could help with this.

3. Jan 15th – Email the online survey link to the congregation.

a. Kristi to help with setting up a survey similar to a survey she has done in the past.

b. Pastor Mark to ask Kristen if she is familiar with any other online survey tools.

4. Jan 15th, 22nd and 29th - have printed copies available on colored paper in the back of the church.

5. Jan 17th – mail out the survey to the mailing list provided by Sue.

c. Results Deadline

i. Congregation survey will be finalized the week of December 26th.

1. Respond by date of survey to be Feb 3rd and then potentially extended to Feb 10th.

6. Job Description

a. Add in the description to state we want someone who desires to grow into the Lead Pastor role.

b. Need to remove the Life Quest person.

c. Question asked if the personnel committee should be updating this?

i. Call committee agrees that the personnel committee should be engaged to update the description.

d. Job Description to be done by the Feb meeting and use the survey results to help complete.

e. Mark to email out job description to the group.

7. Call Materials

a. Congregational Self-study

i. Pastor Mark stated goal is to have a draft of this for our Jan meeting.

ii. Would possibly need to incorporate the congregational survey results in the self-study?

b. Congregational Checklist

i. This is also staff driven.

8. Meeting Schedule

a. January 15, 2023

i. Mark asked the committee to consider when we will communicate the results back to the congregation and when we will have the open sessions. Mark will add this to the January meeting agenda.

b. Next Meeting

i. February 19th @ Noon

9. Other Business

10. Adjourn


January 15, 2023 | Call Committee Meeting


November 16, 2022 | Call Committee Minutes