Week of April 7, 2024

Gifted! Basics of Being Gifted

There are a number of reasons the Bible gives that our lives matter to God beginning with the truth that we are created in His image. This month, we’ll explore another reason: our lives matter because we are gifted by the Holy Spirit to serve and extend His kingdom. This week’s Scripture readings will provide the basics to understand the gifted lives of Jesus’ followers.

Monday | Romans 1:1-13  

The Apostle Paul begins his letter to the Christians in Rome by stating that God has called and gifted him as a messenger (apostle) of the Gospel of Jesus. His readers have also been called and gifted to be part of this Gospel outreach (more on this in chapter 12). He states that it is the desire to visit them and to impart to them some spiritual gift. How would you describe Paul’s calling given by Jesus? In what sense was Paul’s calling unique and in what sense are all Christians called to be “apostles” of Jesus? What particular spiritual gifts do you think Paul wanted to give to the Roman Christians? How can different gifts lead to a stronger church?  

Tuesday | 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 & I Corinthians 12:27-31 

These are among the most important lists of spiritual gifts given in the New Testament. The first list emphasizes Spirit-inspired abilities. The second list emphasizes Spirit-called “jobs” (that also require certain abilities). Who is the giver of all gifts and responsibilities? What percentage of Christians are so gifted (see verse 7)? What is the purpose (also verse 7)? Do you think the Holy Spirit continues to give the more “supernatural’ gifts? Why or why not? From these lists, how do you believe you have been gifted?

Wednesday | 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 

In addressing the issue of spiritual gifts, Paul is immediately drawn to talk about the context in which the gifts are given and utilized:  the church, the body of Christ. Describe how the church is to function like a human body. How will keeping the “body” in mind make us humble? How will keeping the “body” in mind make us grateful? How will keeping the “body” in mind make us motivated?

Thursday | Galatians 5:13-26 

The Apostle Paul’s letter to the Galatians emphasizes the saving grace of God in Christ apart from the works of the law. However, that doesn’t mean that how we live is unimportant. Here he emphasizes how the Holy Spirit produces in us Good News-inspired fruit. What’s the difference between fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit? How are the fruits necessary to using your gifts well? Which of the fruits are greater strengths for you? Which tend to be weaknesses? How does the Holy Spirit bring about greater fruitfulness in your life of faith (if you need help, see John 15)?

Friday | 1 Peter 4:1-11 

The Apostle Peter also teaches his readers the importance of turning from a life of pleasure-seeking to serve Jesus and his people. What influences does he suggest were present then and are still around today that tempt Christians to live like the surrounding culture? How are we to be different? What characteristics of the Christian’s life will strengthen the church and influence the surrounding culture?  What does it mean for you to faithfully “administer God’s grace”?


Week of April 14, 2024


Week of March 31, 2024