Week of February 12, 2023

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

It’s sinful human nature even for very religious people to place limits around the Bible’s command to love your neighbor.  We’d like to not have to show concern for those of a different ethnic group, of a different religion, of a different political party, or those we think are undeserving or that we just don’t like.  But Jesus in the striking parable of the Good Samaritan, teaches that our “neighbor” is anyone we encounter who is in need.

February 13            Luke 10:25-37

How often do we hear the words of Jesus and want to clarify *exactly* what He means to avoid doing something we don’t want to do? When Jesus says “love your neighbor” what does this actually look like? Who are we trying to exclude from that group?

February 14            Acts 10:23b-48

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is for everyone – this was foreign to many Jews at the time of Acts. Have you ever felt that you were too far gone for God’s forgiveness? How did you see God’s forgiveness and the Holy Spirit in your life? Who in your life needs to hear this Good news?

February 15            John 13:1-17; 34-35

Jesus gives us the example of how to love one another, not just in word but in deed. What would it look like to “wash the feet” of someone in your life? How can you serve them with the same love and humility that Jesus models for us?

February 16            1 John 3:14-18

Are there blind spots in your love for others? Do you love everyone…except for the person who cut in front of you on the drive to work, or the person who got the promotion over you? How can we turn to God with those we struggle to love?

 February 17            James 2:8—9, 14-18

When something is repeated in the Bible, we know it is important. Once again we hear, “love your neighbor.” James challenges us to see that our faith without works is dead. If we have faith in Jesus, we will WANT to serve others, not out of obligation but of love. How can you model that love? Where are you struggling with this?


Week of February 19, 2023


Week of February 5, 2023