Week of January 15, 2023

Proverbs 15:22 & 17:7 & Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Why do you think the Bible so often reminds us that we need close relationships with others to do well?    How would you characterize the priority you have placed on having good friendships?  

Acts 2:42-47

The early followers of Jesus seemed to automatically recognize the importance of Christian relationships and community.   What aspects of their community stand out for you as you read this description?  Why was it so important for them to invest in the spiritual lives of each other?   What do these verses suggest to you regarding steps you might take to invest in Christian relationships?

Ephesians 2:17-22 & 4:15-16

How do the metaphors in these chapters underscore the truth that Christians need each other in order to follow Jesus well?  Who has helped you to feel like you belong in the body of Christ?  Who has helped you learn what it means to be a healthy and functioning part of the body?  

I Corinthians 12:12-26

Paul picks up the metaphor of the body of Christ again. How might having close Christian friends help you to better do your part in the “body of Christ”?  How can you help others to connect with and function in a healthy way as followers of Jesus?

Luke 10:1-9

Jesus did not send his disciples on the road to do mission work alone. Do you have a spiritual partner or small group of friends that help you to do the work God has given you to do?   How might investing more in spiritual journey partner(s) help you to grow and learn to live out your faith more effectively?   What relationships, might God be calling you to invest in, either for your benefit or for theirs? 


Week of January 22, 2023


Week of January 8, 2023