Week of January 5, 2025
The Good and Beautiful Life is the second book by James Bryan Smith as part of the Apprentice Series … guides for people to learn and live the Jesus Way. It focuses on the kind of life Jesus calls us by his grace as we learn to live his teaching in the Sermon on the Mount. The study guide, along with the book, also encourages memorizing Colossians 3:1-17 as a summary of the good and beautiful life.
Monday | Colossians 3:1-11
Here the Apostle Paul speaks of spiritual death and resurrection (we’ll learn more about this in connection with baptism in Romans 6 later in the week). What gets put to death? (vs.3-5) What does it mean that we have been “raised with Christ”? (v.1) What practices can help you in this new year to set your mind on the things above? (v. 2) How can such practices lead to a putting on the new self as the Holy Spirit is at work within you? (v.10)
Tuesday | Colossians 3:12-17
Which of these Christian virtues and characteristics do you desire the most? Which do you believe are current weaknesses? What are strengths? Taken together, how do they portray a “good and beautiful” life compared to the kind of life promoted in today’s American culture?
Wednesday | Romans 1:18-32
In this rather depressing section of his theological letter, the Apostle Paul describes the downward spiral of humanity in the darkness of sin and rebellion against God. What leads people to reject the true God? (v.21) Here, Paul puts particular stress on idolatry and sexual immorality with a longer list in verse 29. What are the major idols people are “worshipping” today? What are the idols you find most appealing? What are the sins Paul lists that are most evident in our society? Of what do you personally need to repent?
Thursday | Romans 6:1-14
After describing the enslaving power of sin in Romans 1, the Apostle Paul now brings the good news of freedom in Christ. How does he picture baptism? What might it mean to be baptized into Jesus’ death (v.3)? What does that then result in (v.4)? How would describe your new life in Christ … both negatively (what you don’t do) and positively (what you do)?
Friday | Romans 6:15-23
Here the Apostle Paul reiterates our change of status in Christ. In what particular ways have you seen sin enslave you? To what degree have you found freedom from that slavery through Christ? What is the result of sin (v.21)? What are the results of being in Christ (vs.22-23)?