Week of June 17, 2024

The story unfolds as we watch Naomi come out of her sadness.

Monday | Ruth 1:8-9, Deuteronomy 6:3, Matthew 11:28-30

A Place to “Rest”. Naomi and Ruth now have food on the table, but no long-term future. Naomi takes an active role in helping Ruth find a place to rest, a place to land, and a place of security for her future. What does that mean for Ruth and Naomi? How has God provided for you a “place to rest”? How does the Matthew passage give you “rest”? Spend some time reflecting on the way that God cares for you.

Tuesday | Ruth 3:1-6

Naomi Comes to Life. Note how Naomi has gone from bitter sadness to hopeful boldness. What has brought about this change? Where might God be encouraging you to take some risks? What bold steps are you ready to take?

Wednesday | Ruth 3:1-13, Deuteronomy 25:5-6, Leviticus 25:23-28

Laws of Marriage and Family – the Redeemer. The book of Ruth is hard to understand without knowing the cultural context. The Leviticus passage helps us to understand that God owns the land and shows how He provided for His people. Deuteronomy gives us insight into the provision for widows. The Kinsman Redeemer is the one who buys back the land or finds a way to bring a family member back into the family’s protection. How does a “Redeemer” fit into God’s plans for Ruth? How does Isaiah 54:4-8 give insight to God as your Redeemer? How do these Old Testament passages inform our understanding of Jesus as our Redeemer?

Thursday | Ruth 2:12, 3:6-9, Psalms 17:8, Ezekial 16:8, Malaki 4:2

Refuge Under His Wings. Ruth asks Boaz to protect and provide for her in this phrase, “spread your wings over your servant.” In this context, what does that mean? How does God spread His wings over you? In what ways are you being called to provide refuge and protection for someone in your life?

Friday | Ruth 3:6-18

Boldness. We see incredible boldness in Ruth – she left her country, left her gods, went off to find food in the hills of Bethlehem, and now asked Boaz for his hand in marriage. Do you have that kind of bold faith? Are you willing to say to God, “I will trust you in every situation?” Where do you feel challenged to be more bold in your faith right now?


Week of June 24, 2024


Week of June 10, 2024