Week of June 4, 2023

Learning to Pray Jesus’ Way

Jesus taught his disciples to pray, not only by giving them words to say but a pattern to use in their own personal prayer life. He also teaches his disciples today to approach God with boldness and confidence, because He is our heavenly father, who wants us to have what is best for us to live well. And what is best is for us is to focus on our relationship with Him and learn what it means for him to reign in our hearts.

June 5 Luke 11:1-13

The disciples noticed that Jesus (their rabbi) had a unique prayer life and they wanted insights so they could better imitate Jesus’ way of praying. What do verses 2-4 reveal about what Jesus sees as important in prayer? What insights do Jesus’ parables in the following verses give to us concerning prayer? How does being a child of God open a window in understanding prayer?

June 6 Matthew 6:1-15

Our human tendency is to draw attention to any good deed we might do. But being a part of God’s Kingdom indicates something different. How do verses 1-8 guide us in Kingdom living? What words in the text of verses 9-13 indicate that the Lord’s Prayer is a “community” prayer? What does that mean for us as followers of Christ? What does that say about our relationship with the Father and with others?

June 7 Philippians 4:1-7 & 1 Timothy 2:1-5

The Apostle Paul has wisdom to share to the early church. He recognizes that living side by side has its challenges, but he gives direction in Phil. 4:4-7. What wisdom does he give to them? What will be the benefits? His wisdom to Timothy is to pray, intercede, and give thanks for all people. Who is it in your life that needs your prayers? Pray for them today.

June 8 Psalm 121 (esp. 1-5) & Psalm 141:1-4

How do the words of Psalm 121 encourage you? What does it mean for the Lord to “keep” you? What specific prayers does the Psalmist pray in Psalm 141? Use these words to make your own prayers personal. Pray these words for your own life.

June 9 Hebrews 4:14-16

One of the beautiful aspects of our relationship with Jesus is that He is our Priest, our Advocate, our Mediator. He speaks on our behalf to the Father – He intercedes for us, pleads for us. What specific requests do you have for Jesus to intercede on your behalf? How does knowing that Jesus sympathizes with our weaknesses give you hope and encouragement?


Week of June 11, 2023


Week of May 28, 2023