Week of March 2, 2025

The words of Jesus are meant not just for hearing, but for doing. We don't need to understand why or how it works all the time. We live the kingdom day by day when we keep Jesus' word. We have true resilience in the face of struggle when we commit ourselves to the One who committed Himself to us.  

Monday | Matthew 7:24-27  
Why do you think Jesus makes the distinction between hearing and doing? What is the difference between them? How do you ensure a life that hand handle all things? 

Tuesday | James 1:19-27 
How does James summarize the good and beautiful life in this passage? How often do you need to look in a mirror to remember what you look like? How often do you need to look in God’s word to know what God expects from you? 

Wednesday | John 13:15-17 
Jesus has lived the good and beautiful life first. What comfort and encouragement does this give you? How does knowing that you are not alone make your faith walk easier? 

Thursday | Deuteronomy 6:4-9 
This great commandment of God does not allow room for hearing without action. Why does God want our love and not just obedience? What is one way to put this command into practice today?  

Friday | Matthew 28:18-20  
Jesus instructs his disciples to teach other people to “keep all that I have commanded you”, indicating that we are to treasure his words. Who has been instrumental in teaching you to keep Jesus’ commands? How can you treasure Jesus’ words and not merely hear them? 


Week of February 21, 2025