Week of February 21, 2025

The Good and Beautiful Life: Living in the ways of God’s Kingdom, Christ followers will make regular judgements about right and wrong, and what is beneficial versus what is harmful. However, Jesus cautions us against being judgmental towards others, that is to make negative evaluations about them, in a way that places us above them or put them down. Instead, we are called to reach out in love and come alongside others in their struggle against sin, recognizing that we struggle with sin as well.


Monday | Matthew 7:1-6 & 11-12

What is the natural response when we exhibit an attitude of judgment towards others?   How will it affect our relationships? Jesus uses a somewhat outrageous metaphor to drive home his point.

What kind of log(s) might you have in your own eyes that would make it difficult, if not impossible to judge the actions of others in a proper way? 


Tuesday | Romans 2:1-5

Who does Paul say has the actual right to judge people? How does this pronouncement of God’s judgment speak to our right and our ability to judge others? What sin in your life has God the right to judge and how has He responded? What does this say about how we should respond to others caught up in sin?


Wednesday | Luke 6:37-42 

What differences or additions do you notice in this version of Jesus’ teaching against judging a brother or sister in Christ? What additional insight does it give you into His teaching? In both Matthew 7 and here in Luke, Jesus says that it is possible to “take the speck out of our neighbor’s eye” properly. What do you think it takes to get the log out of your own eye, and how would it change your approach to your neighbor?


Thursday | Galatians 6:1-5 

Paul teaches us that there is a responsibility within the body of Christ to confront sin in others.  What is the goal of such confrontation? How is this different than being judgmental? What instruction does he give regarding who should offer such correction? What instructions are given that help us confront sin with a proper attitude? What other connections do you see with Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 7 and Luke 6?


Friday | Colossians 3:12-15, Phil. 2:1-4

How would applying these verses help you to cut out negative judgmental attitudes? How is it possible to call out and confront sin of others in a spirit of love and concern for their best interest? How might seeking to live according to these verses enable you to respond better to someone else, who may offer correction to you?


Week of February 16, 2025